'Tis the season to cozy up on a couch, drink some hot cocoa, and watch holiday movies. Isn't it funny that we can watch the films year after year and never get sick of them? You may prefer some over others, but they all seem to make us feel the same happy nostalgia. Our team had the fun idea to match up different Enneagram types to characters from your favourite holiday movies. Which character are you?

Type 1 (The Reformer): Hermey The Elf, Rudolph
Type 1s are principled, purposeful, and absolute perfectionists. You may remember that Hermey took 3 times as long to finish a toy in comparison to his fellow elves. They'd be working at the rate of a machine assembly line and he'd be stuck on the first toy trying to get the details just right. He didn't want to be an elf. He wanted to pick a more "rational" career of becoming a dentist. *Spoiler Alert* He becomes a dentist.

Type 2 (The Helper): Max, The Grinch
Type 2s are generous, people pleasing, and possessive at times. We all know Max as The Grinch's sidekick. Specifically in the newest version, Max does everything he can to please his owner and best friend. He performs daily chores to help The Grinch start his day and is more than happy to do so. The Grinch's approval is everything to him. Obviously he's a pup, so he gets possessive over his toys and hates when The Grinch gives anyone else attention; but at the end of the day, he just wants to give a helping paw.

Type 3 (The Achiever): Chris, The Night Before
Type 3s are success oriented people. They're driven by fixed goals and tend to be image conscious. We know Chris as one of the three best friends from The Night Before. He's the most "successful" of the group, as he'd made it big in the sports world. Being an NFL athlete, he's grown a large social media following and seems to do everything he can to gain followers and further his social status. His goals consume him to the point that he does everything with them in mind.

Type 4 (The Individualist): The Grinch
Type 4s are sensitive and withdrawn. They also have habits of being expressive, dramatic, self absorbed, and temperamental. First of all, no one is more sensitive than The Grinch. He tended to take many things personally and felt the need to express it through his attempt to take the joy out of Christmas. On the contrary, it took one little girl and the sight of togetherness to make his heart grow. If that's not sensitivity, we don't know what is! Obviously he was dramatic and very temperamental, but he found his way in the end.

Type 5 (The Investigator): Kevin, Home Alone
Type 5s are perceptive, innovative, secretive and isolated. The title of the movie covers one of those traits. Kevin finds himself isolated over the holidays when he's accidentally left behind when his relatives leave for their family vacation. After spending some time by himself, Kevin realizes that his home is under attack. He quickly puts together a plan to steer burglars away. In doing so, he comes up with innovative techniques to make it look like people are home and eventually catch the perps.

Type 6 (The Loyalist): Bernard, Santa Clause 2
Type 6s are committed, security oriented, responsible, and suspicious. In Santa Clause 2, Bernard realizes that in order for Santa to stay Santa, he must abide by The Santa Clause. This stated that every Mr. Clause must have a Mrs. Clause. Therefore, Santa needs to go back to the real world in hopes of finding a wife. While he's there, a Santa clone takes over The North Pole. Bernard is exceptionally loyal to the real Santa and becomes very suspicious of new Santa's intentions. Due to his responsible nature, he does his best to take care of the other elves and take down the Santa clone.

Type 7 (The Enthusiast): Buddy, Elf
Type 7s are fun, loving, a bit scattered, and spontaneous. They also have a never ending need for adventure. Elf leaves his home to explore a different world. He spontaneously shows up at his birth father's home begging to be loved and accepted by him. Elf finds joy in everything, lifting the spirits of those around him. Although he gets distracted easily, it's hard not to enjoy his presence.

Type 8 (The Challenger): Noelle
Type 8s are confident, willful, and decisive. If you haven't seen Noelle (you should), it's about the unfortunate death of Santa and the need for his son to takeover the family business. When Nick (the son) runs away from his duties, Noelle (his sister) sets out on a mission to find him. Christmas and the family business are important to her, and she does what she thinks is best for the many. Throughout her quest, she realizes her innate ability to make tough decisions and lead the way. She challenges the stereotype of what Santa should look like and takes the job on herself.

Type 9 (The Peacemaker): Frosty The Snowman
Type 9s are receptive, reassuring, and agreeable. Frosty wants to make everyone happy. He comes to life to listen to the children and make them feel comforted. He assures them that he'll always be there for them. Despite the fact that an evil magician is after his magical hat, he stays calm, cool, and collected.